We craft our products in such a way that it serves the best value to our customers worldwide. This quality aids us to become the ultimate best quality Himalayan pink salt producer in the world. Pak Pink Salt –Pakistan’s leading natural salt export company serves its customers with top-notch quality products all over the world, in particular, Japan, Korea, Australia, and Europe.

Pak Pink Salt

About us

top quality pink salt company

Pak Pink Salt is renowned as a top quality pink salt company that started its operations back in 1986 intending to deliver value-added products to its customers. We don’t deliver only the Himalayan pink salt, we deliver the taste that everyone craves. That’s the reason why our Himalayan salt products are the first choice of every individual.

We craft our products in such a way that it serves the best value to our customers worldwide. This quality aids us to become the ultimate best quality Himalayan pink salt producer in the world. Pak Pink Salt –Pakistan’s leading natural salt export company serves its customers with top-notch quality products all over the world, in particular, Japan, Korea, Australia, and Europe.
Pak Pink Salt

Best choice for Pink Salt Products Worldwide

Being an international salt company, we never compromise the quality of our list of traditional fine pink salt products that include: edible organic salt, natural Himalayan lamps, Himalayan pink salt blocks and spas, animal lick salt made of pink rock salt and other accessories that include Himalayan pink salt.


Your Ultimate Partner For Brands & Whole Sale Business

Culinary Salt Products

We offer a great range of hand-crafted Himalayan pink salt culinary products including cooking salt tiles, salt bricks for cooking, grilling salt plates, shot glasses, salad bowls, mortar & pestle and serving plates. Our Himalayan pink salt cooking salt tiles, bricks, plates, dishes, blocks and trays will also add nutritional benefits to your meal, with 84 minerals incorporated into your meals.

Health Benefits

Himalayan pink salt brick if installed into your house will also nurture your environment with the additional benefits of 84 minerals. In our Himalayan natural salt aromatherapy, traces of these minerals will be inhaled by you providing wide-ranging benefits for you including lower blood pressure levels, lessening breathing problems and skin benefits.

Home Decor Products

We are a manufacturer and worldwide exporter of Himalayan pink salt cooking bricks, tiles, plates, dishes, blocks, trays and salt globes that give an exotic contemporary look to your home. Our professional old hand salt artists design high-quality pink salt crafts to bring forth the most soothing and positive vibes in your home.


Our Himalayan Salt Products

Pak Pink Salt offers a wide range of Himalayan pink salt products worldwide. Our products are loved by our valuable clients all over the world

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